FREE Looker Studio Dashboard Template for Time of Day, Day of the Week, and Week Type Performance Report in Google Analytics

This Looker Studio report template helps you understand how your website’s key performance indicators (KPIs), such as users, visits, conversions (key events), transactions, and revenue, perform across various date and time variables, including time of day, hour of the day, day of the week, and week type (weekend and weekday). The dashboard also provides the flexibility to break down performance data into smaller segments.


Google Analytics (GA4) Looker Studio Dashboard for Evaluating Business KPIs Using Date and Time Variables

This Looker Studio dashboard saves you reporting time that you can invest in other things. It also provides insights into how date and time variables, such as the hour of the day, day of the week, and week type, impact the critical business and marketing metrics you measure in your Google Analytics (GA4) property.

The dashboard allows you to observe trends and patterns and break down your data into sub-segments, such as region, marketing channel, technology, etc. This gives the ability to perform a detailed analysis of date and time variables and offers actionable insights that can inform your business and marketing decisions.

You’ll need access to Google Analytics property before you can use the Looker Studio dashboard.

Video on how to use the Dashboard

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You can access this Dashboard for free

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