Free Google Tag Manager Custom Templates to Save you time and simplify your tracking setups

Here is a list of FREE Google Tag Manager (GTM) custom templates developed by the DumbData Measurement Resource Hub to help address various data collection challenges.

We currently offer 10+ templates for both Web and Server GTM containers, with several already Google-approved and available in the Template Gallery Community Listings.

The IP Transformer/Anonymizer

Anonymize IPv4/IPv6 addresses with multiple methods including removing octets, hexets for IPV6, redacting, or replacing with a static IP.

Country ISO Code and Name Converter

A GTM variable template that converts country names to Alpha-2/Alpha-3 codes and vice versa, with advanced options for handling invalid or unrecognized input.

US State Code and Name Converter

A Google Tag Manager (GTM) variable template that simplifies converting a U.S. state name to its corresponding abbreviation and vice versa.

Microsoft Clarity Playback URL

A WEB Google Tag Manager (GTM) custom variable template that helps retrieve the URL for Microsoft Clarity session playback recordings for that user’s session.

Basic Bot Traffic Identifier

Labels potential bot traffic as ‘potential_bot_visitor’ and non-bot traffic as ‘real_website_visitor.’ By default, bot traffic detection is enabled. You can customize this with your own rules.

Variable Coalesce

A Google Tag Manager custom variable template that mimics the behavior of a coalesce function commonly used in programming. This variable checks a sequence of variables and returns the first valid value, supporting skip values and a fallback mechanism.

Currency Value Formatter/Splitter

Google Tag Manager (GTM) custom variable template helps format and clean currency values. It removes specified currency symbols and codes, with support for custom symbols and delimiters.

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